Outline specification : molding

Product Description

Unilit B-Fluid XB is a traditional, dry premixed extremely fine mineral grouting mortar based on natural hydraulic lime as the binder and appropriate extremely fine well-graded aggregates.

Unilit B-Fluid XB is characterised by a slow but strong bonding, a high plasticity, a low content of soluble salts and an excellent water vapour permeability. The natural hydraulic lime mortar is inherently stable and designed to reduce problems of micro cracks along with premature drying out.

The natural hydraulic lime binder, used to prepare the preblend, conforms to the European Standard EN 459-1 for building limes. The mortar Unilit B-Fluid XB conforms to the European Standard UNI EN 998-1.

Application Area

Unilit B-Fluid XB is applied for the injection in between a detached mortar or fresco and their substrate in order to adhere the plaster or fresco once again to the background.

Thanks to its natural pore structure and low content of soluble salts, 

Unilit B-Fluid XB regulates the moisture content within the masonry, eliminating practically all known problems related to frost, salt damage and lime bloom, providing that excessive damp and/or salt problems are not prevelant, and that the substrate is stable.


A series of injection holes is spread over the injection area following a vertically staggered scheme. A maximum distance of 10 cm in between neighbouring injection holes needs to be maintained, while the injection holes are drilled as small as possible necessary for installing the injection equipment. After drilling, the injection holes are rinsed with demineralised or distilled water.

The mortar is mixed with clean water at a ratio of 5,5 to 7,5 litres of water to a bag of 20 kg ready mixed natural hydraulic lime powder. Mixing is undertaken with a slow speed electric paddle for a period of 5 to 8 minutes.  A creamy workable mortar is obtained, which has approximately 2 hours of open time.

The injection grout is inserted through the injection holes with a syringe, with a maximum pressure of 1 to 2 bar. Anyhow, the exact working pressure is determined in function of the strength of the substrate and, where necessary, adapted during the injection process. The injection is recommended to proceed from the lowest point of the detached mortar upwards. The injection is stopped whenever the grout appears from any of the neighbouring openings. A drying period of 1 to 2 days must be respected.

The mortars must not be applied at temperatures below +5°C nor when a risk of frost exists. They should never be applied on to a frozen surface or in the case of thick fog. In hot, windy and dry conditions measures should be taken to prevent accelerated drying out of the freshly applied mortars. Applied mortars must be protected from frost and direct sunlight for 48 to 72 hours after their application.

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